Use "yank|yanks" in a sentence

1. So, yank off, but don't yank off the wires.

2. But she literally yanks it.

3. She yanks off his eyeglasses and stomps on them.

4. You know what [ bleep ] Yanks can be.

5. Yank that needle out before it takes.

6. A lot of Yanks are separated from their units.

7. Now, we're gonna squeeze the trigger. Don't yank it.

8. He yanks his hand brake up at every stop.

9. Yank is also satisfied with his present condition.

10. Which motivates me to yank my hand back.

11. Grabbing his ponytail, Shirley gave it a yank.

12. Brazil gov't yanks virus death toll as data Befuddles experts

13. The dentist is going to yank this tooth out.

14. Yank off the bandage the doctor uncovered the wound.

15. You can yank on the rope as a signal.

16. Don't yank at the rope. Children, it might break.

17. He can yank on the rope as a signal.

18. Please raise the box gently, not yank it up.

19. Wraps the cord around her neck and gives it a yank.

20. Yank Shing's buffet is remarkable for the quality of the food.

21. Younger teens then yank the rocks up with a pulley.

22. A sudden abrupt motion , such as a yank or twist.

23. Locals discover Bulldozer's talents and challenge the Yanks to a football game.

24. Always a hand at my collar ready yank me back.

25. He tried to yank his mind back out of fantasy.

26. Just a little twirl here and a yank there and – Voiolay!

27. The papers say the Yanks are too individualistic to fight for long.

28. Step 2 : Yank the old plug out with a set of pliers.

29. Diana always yanks on her hand viciously, all angry words and spit flying.

30. Both of them yank the individual out of the enclosure of her private self.

31. The exception was Robert Henderson , a 47 - year - old Yank who was directing South Pacific.

32. She's got that unappetizing little Yank in tow, and she's feeding him the Authorized Version.

33. No, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank them out for, like, hiking and camping and stuff.

34. Yank on one filament in the web, and the other filaments had to move, too.

35. 6 She's got that unappetizing little Yank in tow, and she's feeding him the Authorized Version.

36. And they couldn't yank the cord out because it was screwed into a light socket inside the house.

37. You plant your feet, tighten your belly, and tense your back, generating enough force to yank it open.

38. We pull on our coats with bleary yanks as the alcohol works its universal spell, and bump out the door.

39. Historicly Chancellorsville was one of the CSA's finest battles, so if you're the Yanks think defense and saving your skin to fight another day

40. What I want is to see him win that second gold and wear the flag again - while the Yanks stand fuming.

41. Where a group of senators and members of Congress are talking about how to invoke the 25th Amendment to yank Trump from the

42. He reached and enclosed the boy in his great hammock of an arm, and with the other arm began to yank.

43. Q: We on this scepter’d isle wonder why you Yanks are so intent on replacing the s’s in our Civilised spellings with z’s.

44. They used a giant armlike device to yank the Hubble out of its orbit and place it in the Atlantis' cargo bay.

45. Brazil govt yanks virus death toll as data Befuddles experts World Jun 7, 2020 1:10 PM EST RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil’s government has stopped …

46. Two-year-old Aldi yanks on his mother's hair and squirms in her arms. Tears formed a small pool in the folds of his double chin.

47. Australia's prime minister on Thursday slammed Facebook's "Arrogant," retaliatory move to yank news content from its site — as he and other leaders refused to bow to pressure from Silicon Valley.

48. "Corroboree" (or "Waiata" for us Yanks who bought in on vinyl in 1981) is not quite as strong as its predecessor, but still has some astounding songwriting from Neil and Tim Finn

49. McTROTTER FLOGS A BOG FOR pounds 60,000; He targets gullible Yanks on internet Other attractions include Glenveagh National Park, home to 14,000 hectares of mountain, raised Bogland, lakes and woodlands, which give the area its name: Glen of the Birches.

50. ‘The Yanks reacted with Brushbacks or unhittable slop.’ ‘The armor has removed much of the fear factor that made the brushback pitch an effective weapon.’ ‘In baseball, players used to legislate brushback pitches and there was a code of conduct.’

51. (1) Hara Kiri in Admiralties "General MacArthur stated to his troops in the Admiralties 'it is imperative that we hold this position against any attack.' We watch LST boats, bristling with Yanks, scrape to a stop at water's adge, in Los Negros

52. As well as Bastardising the English langauage since the tea party the Yanks have als been Bastardising history, the world has gone mad Mandella was no more a hero then Floyd just murdering scumbag terrorist like all those slaughtering elderly white farmers and children in south Africa today being killed and ignored by MSM because blacks now

53. This sort of thinking still gets a lot of play in American academe; it's a shame we Yanks aren't as relaxed as the French (I don't speak here of old-school French feminists, who are arguably among the worst offenders in the "Abiological" movement), who take female sexuality to be an advantage, even a weapon -- a worldview that's closer to the truth than the twisted gospel preached in American